St. Matthew School
Calgary Catholic School District
416 83 Avenue Southeast, Calgary, AB — T2H 1N3
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All-Time BikeWalkRoll Score
BWR Score
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- 1434 answers recorded
- OK source of data
Recent BWR Scores
19Classes and Groups Surveyed
- Borowski Gr 7/8/9 → 🏫 8
- Borowski Gr 7/8/9 🏫 → 31
- Horbay → 🏫 33
- Rodriguez 7/8/9 → 🏫 19
- Rodriguez 7/8/9 🏫 → 19
- Cecchetto 7/8/9 → 🏫 17
- DeCoste → 🏫 11
- DeForest → 🏫 19
- Campbell 7/8/9 → 🏫 21
- Campbell 7/8/9 🏫 → 21
- N'Goyi Gr 7/8/9 → 🏫 14
- N'Goyi Gr 7/8/9 🏫 → 12
- St. Gelais → 🏫 18
- St. Gelais 🏫 → 23
- 9 more classes surveyed
0 Bike
51 Walk
0 Roll
0 Schoolbus
53 Bus
or public transit -
166 Car
or taxi