Madeleine D'Houet School
Calgary Catholic School District
108 22 Street Northwest, Calgary, AB — T2N 2M8
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All-Time BikeWalkRoll Score
BWR Score
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What's this?
- 730 answers recorded
- Mediocre source of data
Recent BWR Scores
3Classes and Groups Surveyed
- Mr. Morin → π« 0
- Mr. Morin π« → 0
- Mme Aragon → π« 9
- Mme Aragon π« → 0
- Mdh → π« 7
- Mme. Borchert → π« 0
- Mme. Borchert π« → 0
- Mme Girard → π« 0
- Mme Girard π« → 0
- Mme Garant → π« 9
- Mme Garant π« → 4
- Mme. Rappel → π« 11
- Mme. Rappel π« → 5
- Mdh → π« 4
- Mdh π« → 5
- Mme Garant → π« 8
- Mr. Laing → π« 0
- Mdh → π« 4
- Mdh π« → 0
- Mdh → π« 0
- Mdh π« → 6
- Mdh → π« 0
- 17 more classes surveyed
3 Bike
12 Walk
2 Roll
189 Schoolbus
170 Bus
or public transit -
125 Car
or taxi