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Nom de l'école City/Town Division/District Region Pays BikeScore WalkScore RollScore BWRScore
O.V. Jewitt Community School Winnipeg Seven Oaks School Division MB Canada 1 37 1 39
O'Connor Public School Toronto Toronto District School Board ON Canada 0 0 0 0
Oak Creek Public School Kitchener Waterloo Region District School Board ON Canada 4 65 4 72
Oakbank Elementary School Oakbank Sunrise School Division MB Canada 5 15 0 21
Oakenwald School Winnipeg Pembina Trails School Division Manitoba Canada 5 25 1 31
Oaklands Elementary School Victoria BC Canada 8 39 3 50
Oakville School Portage la Prairie Portage la Prairie School Division MB Canada 11 20 4 35
Ogden Community Public School Thunder Bay Lakehead Public Schools ON Canada 0 0 0 0
Olympic Heights School Calgary Calgary Board of Education AB Canada 5 28 1 35
Orchard Hill Elementary School Windsor CO United States 15 26 6 47
Ormbergsskolan Luleå Norrbottens län Sweden 45 43 0 88
Osnovna škola Tenja Tenja Tenja Osječko-baranjska županija Croatia 0 0 0 0
Otonabee Valley Public School Peterborough Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board ON Canada 12 44 3 59
Oulun Normaalikoulu Oulu primary Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Suomi 100 0 0 100
Oulun normaalikoulu perusaste 1-6 Oulu Oulun Normaalikoulu perusaste 1-6 Linnanmaa Oulu Suomi 100 0 0 100
Oulun steinerkoulu Oulu Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Finland 9 25 0 34
Our Lady of Charity School Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board ON Canada 0 100 0 100
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Elementary School Cambridge Waterloo Catholic District School Board ON Canada 1 35 3 39
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic High School Guelph Wellington Catholic District School Board ON Canada 0 0 0 0
Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School West Kelowna Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese BC Canada 0 0 0 0
Our Lady of Lourdes School Waterloo Waterloo Catholic District School Board ON Canada 0 0 0 0
Our Lady of Sorrows Petawawa Renfrew County Catholic District School Board ON Canada 100 0 0 100
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Elementary School Fort Erie Niagara Catholic District School Board ON Canada 2 9 0 11
Our Lady of Victory School Winnipeg Archdiocese of Winnipeg MB Canada 0 0 0 0