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This is a list of organizations involved with children's transportation who have staff who've done a BikeWalkRoll survey or whose staff have signed up for a Champion user account. Champions care deeply about getting kids moving and can offer helpful advice and help things run smoothly. Talk to the one new you! Or visit the BikeWalkRoll FAQ to connect with users around the world.

Organization Name Region Land Head Office Website Type
Walk N Roll Timiskaming Ontario Canada 247 Whitewood Avenue Regional
James L. Dunn Public School ON Canada 1167 Mercer Street Regional
Silverdale Elementary BC Canada 29715 Donatelli Ave Regional
Vancouver Independent School for Science and Technology BC Canada 1490 West Broadway International
David Salmon WI USA 18 N Jackson St Regional
St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Elementary School ON Canada 1860 Chandler Road International
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