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Winter Bike to School Day

Winter Bike to School Day

Monday, Jan 1 - Friday, Feb 9


Start now!

Teachers: You have until midnight Friday, February 9th 2018 to do 30-second "How did you get to school today?" surveys of your class. Get other teachers to help. The highest single-day total of bike trips counted at your school counts towards your city's score in a friendly worldwide competition!

Survey often!

Collect valuable data, it's important. Share, learn and compare. The world is a big and beautiful place. You might be amazed at how people get to school around the world.

If you find your school, click on it.
Do a survey right away.
Can't find it? Sign in & Add it.

Eine Schule hinzufügen


The snowflakes on the map above show schools who have done a survey during the campaign.
If your school is not on the map, add it!
If your school has a grey question maker, do a survey soon.

So funktioniert's

Finde deine Schule

1 - Find your school on the map above

Findest du sie nicht? Eine Schule hinzufügen

Eine Umfrage durchführen

2 - Führe eine 30 Sekunden Umfrage durch

Einfacher geht's nicht. Erfahre mehr über Umfragen

Bestenliste der Schulen

Die höchste Summe an Fahrradfahrten an einem einzigen Tag.

Die meiste Anzahl an Personen, die befragt wurden

Gesamtanzahl der Umfragenantworten, die während einem Kampagnenzeitraum gesammelt wurden. Je mehr, desto besser!